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Dancing Dolphin Essences – Energy Healing in a Bottle

Dancing Dolphin Essences
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DISCLAIMER: There are insights provided on this website from channeled messages that indicate certain things benefit certain conditions. These are informational only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. For serious issues, consult a trained healthcare provider.
Important Links:
🌺Private Sessions ~ Long Distance Energy Healing Sessions, Seed of Divine Restoration, & Transformational Consulting with Takara
🌺Dancing Dolphin Essences ~ Energy Healing Tools ~ Flower Essences, Gem Essences, Aromatherapy, Sound Healing & More
🌺Classes, Workshops, Courses, Programs~ Dolphin Energy Healing Course, Goddess Circle, Manifesting Class, Meditation Program, Law of Attraction Course, Metaphysical Classes, Pendulum Dowsing Course, Spiritual Classes
🌺Meditation ~ Guided Meditations, Learn How to Meditate, Theta Brainwave Meditations for Transformation, Shamanic Journeys
🌺Free Articles ~ Personal Transformation, Energy Healing, Shamanic, & Spiritual Growth Tools Articles Archive
🌺Electromagnetic Radiation Protection with the BioElectric Shield Pendant (EMF & Negative Energy Protection)
🌺Books and Ebooks ~ Self Help, Meditation, Manifesting, Relationships, Healing the Past, Personal & Spiritual Growth, Energy Healing Books and eBooks by Takara
🌺Dolphin, Water, Equinox, & Other Global Guided Equinox Meditations
🌺David J. Adams – Global Equinox Meditations & Insights
Important Reads:
🌺Dolphin Healing Energy
🌺What is Vibrational Medicine & Energy Healing?
🌺Shamanism & Earth Based Spirituality
🌺Negative Energy Protection
🌺Develop Psychic / Intuitive Ability
🌺Newsletter (Personal Empowerment & Spiritual Growth)
🌺Takara Shelor’s Bio – Bestselling Author, Speaker, Engineer, Mystic
🌺Magnificent U Personal Growth & Transformation, Energy Healing Home
🌺Dancing Dolphin Flower Essences, Gem Essences, Aromatherapy Oils & Blends
🌺Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Gem Essences, and Aromatherapy Kits
🌺Flower Essence Mists, Gem Essences, Aromatherapy
🌺Essence of Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman
🌺Realm Essences ~ Camelot, Horse, Faerie, Mer, Dolphin, Whale
🌺Chakra Flower Essences, Gem Essences, Aromatherapy
🌺Custom Flower Essences, Gem Essences, Aromatherapy Blends for Individuals and Groups
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