Do You Dare Live Your Dreams


You have to grow into your dreams.

You can’t achieve your hopes, desires, and goals unless you are willing to take risks, be uncomfortable, learn new things, and follow your inner voice.

Otherwise, you’ll just keep getting the same things you’ve already got.

No one achieves their dreams without moving into what a great little book called the Frogship Perspective terms Zones Unknown.

If you know what you want, then go after it with unwavering tenacity. When one door refuses to open or suddenly closes, try something else and keep your eyes open for the door that is wide open beckoning your entry.

Opportunities are right in front of you all the time. You just have to grow personally and spiritually enough to “register” that they are there. Then you have to muster up the courage to take the plunge or scale the mountain like the woman in the image.

Here’s to your courage!

Have a deLightful day,


P.S. The Frogship Perspective is a gem of a book by Dean Black. Its full of sage advice with stories that bring the teaching home. I highly recommmend it.

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Takara Shelor
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