Nutrition & Herbs, Aromatherapy, & Flower Essences – Nature’s Natural Healers
Plants are nature’s healers. Flower essences, aromatherapy (essential oils), herbal supplements, powders, and tincture all provide powerful support for the human body.
Practically every vegetable you can imagine offers some beneficial nutrients that support the human body. The same is true of herbs. Yet what you get from broccoli is different from what you get by eating a carrot. Both are beneficial. Both are vegetables. Yet they are each unique and offer different forms of support for human health.
Essential oils (EOs) used in Aromatherapy also come from plants. And each one, again, offers an entirely unique benefit to the human body. Peppermint helps with nausea and stomach upset. Helichrysum helps to eliminate pain. And there are many many more.
There is another form of support offered to humans by the plant kingdom. That support is energetic in nature and comes from the flower. And just like broccoli provides different “necessary ingredients” than carrots, each flower offers a different vibration to assist.
Of all the support available from plants, according to Dr. Richard Gerber M.D., only flower essences provide assistance on all levels of our being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
There are vast differences in the nutrition available from a carrot. If it is fresh and organic, it is scientifically proven to have higher levels of “the good stuff” than one that is frozen and grown in nutrient-depleted soil and was inundated with chemicals.
The same is true for any plant-based product. There are many factors that determine the quality and potency of essential oils and flower essences.
The number of nutrients in the soil, the location and habitat, other plants and even rocks in the vicinity, if they are grown naturally and organically or sprayed with chemicals and are GMO. If they are harvested at their peak.
The method used to get the oil out of the plant greatly affects its medicinal qualities. Low temperature and pressure with no chemicals is vital to an essential oil’s quality and potency. It must be sealed airtight – just like the Egyptians did with the essential oil jars they buried with the pharaohs. Sunlight, heat, and air can destroy the delicate nature of an aromatherapy oil.
If produce doesn’t say “organic,” then it isn’t. If an essential oil doesn’t say that it is organic & steam distilled, then it probably isn’t.
Now we move on to the more mysterious energy-based (and in my opinion most powerful) form of support offered by the plants – the flower essence.
Anyone can cut a few flower blooms and place them in a bowl of water, set it in the sun, and call it a flower essence.
The physical aspect of “creating” an essence only accounts for between 5 and 15% of its quality and effectiveness.
A rose is not a rose is not a rose. And a flower essence is not a flower essence is not a flower essence.
There are literally hundreds of factors that can affect the result when creating flower essences.
Again the growing conditions are very important. So is the location. I’ve made a flower essence from the same species of daisy in two separate locations – on the north shore of Lake Ontario and in the high desert in the American Southwest. Both were made at the peak of bloom in the same sacred way. I even used the very same bowl. Yet the resulting essences are vastly different in vibration and even their primary purpose (or benefit) is different.
The date and time the essence is made affect the result just like the date, time, and location of your birth impacts who you are.
Approximately 20% of the overall result is based on the consciousness level of the person who makes the essence. (I actually thought this percentage would be higher).
Read Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior to learn about what I mean when I talk about consciousness level. (I’m also writing my own book about this subject, but it won’t be out for awhile.)
A full 50% of the end result is based on the relationship between the person making the essence and the Divine Presence or Spirit of the plant – known by many names including Flower Deva.
These are the rudiments of figuring out the difference between a truly powerful (almost miraculous) flower essence and one that has much less power or benefit for the end user.
Many people have indicated that Dancing Dolphin Oils and Mists are the only essences they can actually feel and notice a difference with. Others use them exclusively, over all other options, for themselves and their clients.
Since, as healing therapies go, all flower essences are easily affordable, why not ensure you are getting the very best.
Purchase products at the Dancing Dolphin Store
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