Reconnects you with the Divine. Reweaves the threads of your earthly existence with the tapestry of the Divine Universe.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “If you have lost the connection to people, places and things, this essence works on the spiritual level and physical level to restore the connection with your reality. It is like an attractor beam for people and can manifest in things like running into an old friend that you lost touch with, an unexpected phone call, healing energies sent to someone you disconnected with on an emotional level, a found lost object or possession, the sudden reappearance of an object you thought was lost forever. There are many ways to reconnect. It would be very hard to list them all. If a reconnection is needed on any level, use this essence and then watch for the results. It creates an attractor beam to manifest in your reality.”
Contains Essence of Mer, the Divine Name, Transcendence as well as the alchemical frequencies Takara channels into it.
Rose aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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