Your Heart Does Not Sit in Judgment of Others, It Sits in Oneness with Others

(c) David J. Adams





( The circle opens with the sounds of the Tibetan Bowls and the Drum)

Allow the sounds of the bowls and the drum to reverberate deep within your Hearts, drawing forth the energies of Divine Love that are at the essence of your Heart, and allow those energies of Divine Love to flow through every aspect of your Being, filling your physical body, your energy body, your emotional body and your spiritual body with the pure energies of Divine Love.

And as you fill yourself with the energies of Divine Love, allow those energies to flow freely from you, to embrace …

all those within the Circle, to join together with the Divine Love of everyone within the Circle, to create a powerful vibration of Divine Love in the Oneness of all that is, and through your Hearts focus that Oneness energy of Divine Love upon the Earth Planet itself, surrounding it, permeating it, becoming one with the Earth Planet, that ALL may be the vibration of Divine Love.

Greetings Dear Hearts, I am Hilarion.  I thank you for connecting your Love with the whole of the Earth Planet, allowing yourselves to become ‘consciously’ a part of the Oneness of all that is, for it is together in this Oneness that you will begin to create the Earth of the future, an Earth that is not separate and divided, an Earth which lives and breathes in Unity and Oneness, where no individual Being is perceived as less than another, where all are accepted for the Light and the Love they bring to the whole. 

The Light of each individual Being is important to the whole, is valued BY the whole, and valuable TO the whole.  Your Heart does not sit in judgement of others, it sits in Oneness with others, so in the new Earth frequency it is important to focus on your Heart, and to embrace ALL AS ONE.

We recognise that there is still difficulty for Humanity to let go of the judgements of the mind, and to fully embrace the Oneness of the Heart, but this will change progressively as time moves on, so be strong, Dear Hearts, be balanced each day within your Heart and make your choices in life from the Love within your Heart, and you will find the world around you will become more peaceful, more joyful.

It is time for ALL the ‘way showers’ to come together within the energy of Divine Love, and to reach out to all those who need more Light and more Love and more understanding in their lives, and share with them the wisdom within your Hearts, the wisdom of Unity, the wisdom of Oneness.

Each moment, each day, when you first awaken, see the Earth Planet in your mind’s eye as a baby being bathed by the Light of Love within your Hearts, and gift that baby – your new Earth – the full power of the Divine Love that you possess, knowing that as you do this you will be allowing the Earth Planet to grow into its own Oneness, maturing, becoming a source of Divine Love within itself.

Dear Hearts, the future of the Earth is yours to create, do so from the Love in your Hearts.

David J Adams

“Every atom of your Being is a library of wisdom

Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature
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